

In short



DISCLAIMER: These pictures are an homage to Apple and its products. They have been created for study and research purposes, not for any commercial gain. They are not affiliated with Apple or any of the companies mentioned in the video or depicted in the pictures. The original design is the intellectual and moral property of the author. The included music, brands, and TV shows are copyrighted by their respective owners. The partial reproduction of these pictures or videos without this disclaimer is the sole responsibility of the editor, not the author.

Now that the war of the foldable phones has started, what will be the role of Apple? This has been the question in my mind after the Samsung Galaxy Fold and Huawei Mate X unveils. Can Apple come back to be “hungry and foolish”? For this reason, I’ve decided to imagine the upcoming Apple X Fold to show how Apple can lead the Battle of the Giant in the Smartphones arena, again.

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